Be Part of Making Things Better
I’d like to set you a challenge. Think of something you feel passionately about and do something about it.
I know you may not be a government minister or a billionaire with money to give away. Even if you are neither of those things, the challenge stands.
We work in a space where decisions are made every day. Those decisions affect us directly, impact someone we love, change the nature of our work, and so on. And those decisions need to be as good as they possibly can be.
One of the things that trouble us the most is that decisions are sometimes made well, but communicated poorly. In which case people stop and complain to each other, but nobody actually investigates to find out what’s happening beneath the surface. People waste time and energy complaining about something that doesn’t need complaining about. Alas, we waste so much time on that thing that we don’t move on and deal with the real stuff.
Disability is an emotive subject. The NDIS is a brave and exciting opportunity to do something great, that few countries have done before. There aren’t many MPs or policy makers with a disability, so it’s our job as a community to make it as good as it can be. Get involved with what’s going on.
You see, the nature of what we do is challenging. You have to believe in it, understand it, live it, love it. And that is the drive that will make you go forward and do something.
So, do you need to be a minister? No.
Do you need to be a billionaire? No.
Just be you. Believe in something. Find a way to contribute to the discussion and make it better. That’s our story, we hope it can be yours too.